Alexandra Senfft
Represented by
Elisabeth Ruge Agentur
Rosenthaler Str. 34/35
10178 Berlin
info[ ]elisabeth-ruge-agentur.de
Telefon: +49 (0) 30 2888 406 00
Alexandra Senfft
E-Mail: info[ ]alexandra-senfft.de
“Der Lange Schatten der Taeter” and “Schweigen tut weh”
Represented by Peter Fritz Literary Agency Paul & Peter Fritz AG
Seefeldstrasse 303 | CH-8008 Zürich
Telephon: +41 (0) 44 388 41 40
E-Mail: pfritz[ ]fritzagency.com
>> Fritz Agency Portrait
Senfft at Piper Verlag
Senfft at Ullstein Buchverlage
Judah Passow
Maurice Weiss/Agentur Ostkreuz
Filippo Amato
Dörthe Hagenguth
Reiner Mnich
Joaquin Salguero
Graphic Design
Constantia Rosendorfer
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