Book presentations, lectures, podium discussions, moderating talks and other appearances in 2019

Women Wage Peace, Award
Laudatory Speech: Alexandra Senfft
15 November 2019
Rathaus Bremen
Cambridge, MA (USA)
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
“Germany and Israel: Changing Dynamics of a Complex Relationship” CMES, Harvard University, Rm 102, 38 Kirkland St, Cambridge, MA 02138
Birmingham, Alabama (USA)
Thursday, 25th April, 2019
The Long Shadow of the Perpetrators”
Temple Emanu-El in co-operation with the Birmingham Holocaust Education Center, Birmingham, Alabama (USA)
Savannah, Georgia (USA)
Friday, 26th April, 2019
»The Long Shadow of the Perpetrators« Congregation Mickve Israel, Savannah, Georgia 31402 (USA)
Augusta, Georgia (USA)
27th April, 2019
followed by a workshop “The Long Shadow of the Perpetrators” Congregation Children of Israel, 3005 Walton Way, Augusta, Georgia (USA)
Queens University, Charlotte, North Carolina (USA)
28th April, 2019
Join us for a movie “Close to Evil” and a discussion with German author Alexandra Senfft, granddaughter of Nazi Hanns Ludin on the intergenerational consequences of the Holocaust on the perpetrators’ side on Sunday, April 28, 2019 from 3 to 5 pm in Ketner Auditorium Queens University of Charlotte campus

22 May 2019
“The Long Shadow of the Perpetrators”:
Albert H. Friedlander: Comprehension, Compassion and ConciliationAn International Academic Conference
Confirmed Speakers Include Professor Amy-Jill Levine and Lord John Alderdice Organised by Rabbi Dr Frank Dabba Smith, Professor Michael Berkowitz and Rabbi Dr Deborah Kahn-Harris Leo Baeck College, Sternberg Centre, 80 East End Road, London N3 2SY

Bratislava, Slovakia
10 September 2019
Alexandra Senfft: “Bolestivé mlčanie” Slovak bookpremiere of »Schweigen tut weh« Translation: Zuzana Demjanova Premedia Verlag, Slovakia 2019 Goethe Institut Bratislava Panenská 682/33, 814 82 Staré Mesto, Slovakia
Moderation von: Jens-Jürgen Ventzki: Seine Schatten, meine Bilder
24 September 2019
Akademische Stadtakademie München
University of Jena
3-5 October 2019
“An Enemy is someone, whose story you have not heard yet”
Participation in an international conference on the Legacy of Prof. Dan Bar-On
10 October 2019
Der Lange Schatten der Täter
Lesung und Gespräch Volksbad Buckau Karl Schmidt Str. 56, Magdeburg
Veranstalterin: Fraueninitiative MD und Miteinander e.V.