Alexandra Senfft with Holocaust survivor Tomi Reichental on Ireland’s RTE news

People of the Year Award
Alexandra Senfft accompanying Tomi Reichental to RTE (Ireland’s National Television)
«People of the Year Award», Dublin 6th December 2014, and commenting on his award
Tomi Reichental, one of only two holocaust survivors living in Ireland, has dedicated his time to speaking
about his experience in schools. He is presented with the International Person of the Year.

German Grandchildren Of Nazis Delve Into Past

»In her book, “The Pain of Silence,” Senfft describes how a web of lies burdened her family over decades, especially her mother, who was 14 years old when her beloved father was hanged. “It was unbearable at times to work on this book, it brought up fears and pain, but at the same time I got a lot out of writing it all down,” Senfft, a lively 49-year-old, explained during an interview at a Berlin coffee shop.«
The Associated Press, Berlin 14.05.2011
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