A moving meeting between a survivor of Bergen-Belsen and the descendant of a war criminal who had a hand in the deaths of his family has been caught on TV by Gerry Gregg
Irish Independent 24/08/2014
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Category Archives: Nazi-era
«The Transmission of a Troubled Past: Between the Personal and Professional»
Introduction to an event at the University College of London, May 2014:
«The Transmission of a Troubled Past: Between the Personal and Professional –
Alexandra Senfft, author: In conversation with Stephanie Bird, UCL»
by Dr. Julia Wagner, University College of London, Germany
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Silence is Such Sorrow – Schweigen tut weh
Despite the fact that Germans, both academically and politically, have taken great strides towards exposing the crimes committed during the National Socialist period, silence still continues to rule with respect to the biographical handling of the past. Not only within the context of families, but also in society more generally, the perpetrators are always »others«.
JMB Journal 6 »Generationen«, July 2012
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German Grandchildren Of Nazis Delve Into Past
»In her book, “The Pain of Silence,” Senfft describes how a web of lies burdened her family over decades, especially her mother, who was 14 years old when her beloved father was hanged. “It was unbearable at times to work on this book, it brought up fears and pain, but at the same time I got a lot out of writing it all down,” Senfft, a lively 49-year-old, explained during an interview at a Berlin coffee shop.«
The Associated Press, Berlin 14.05.2011
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Strawberries with the Fuehrer
Amy O’Connor
Positive Patterns Film
New Zealand 2010
Dan Bar-On – Dialogue against Walls of Silence and Hostility
Obituary by Alexandra Senfft

Dan Bar-On Foto: Alexandra Senfft
The Israeli psychologist and author Dan Bar-On died in Tel Aviv on 4 September. Bar-On was a leading force in the field of intercultural conflict management between Israelis and Palestinians.
Qantara, 12.09.2008
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2 or 3 things I know about him
Zwei oder drei Dinge, die ich von ihm weiß
The presence of the past in a German family
Germany 2005
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