»Sensible people easily find a compromise when they are aware of the most important needs of the other side’, said Palestinian philosopher Sari Nusseibeh …«
Syasah Dawlia, Issue 182, 10.2010
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»Sensible people easily find a compromise when they are aware of the most important needs of the other side’, said Palestinian philosopher Sari Nusseibeh …«
Syasah Dawlia, Issue 182, 10.2010
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Their sights set on the elections, militant groups in Iraq are now stirring up more violence than ever. Radical Islamists such as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi are particularly interested in torpedoing the elections. Alexandra Senfft took a closer look at Zarqawi’s networks and his political goals.
Qantara, 26 May, 2006
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Georges Corm, economist and former finance minister of Lebanon, doesn’t spare the Islamic world criticism, but he also says that the West is far less rationalist than is commonly believed.
Qantara,19. May 2005
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